Sometimes, the most difficult part of writing an essay is not actually writing it; it’s not the research or the planning or the proofreading. Rather, it’s right in the beginning when you have actually to think of the topic of your piece! Starting to think about what to write in an argumentative essay, however, can be made easier by following the simple steps outlined below.
It is so important to try and write about things that interest you, because it comes across loud and clear and makes your writing sound so much better. If you’re interested in it, it will more easily interest others! Within the subject you’re writing about - whether it be English, history, geography or any number of other subjects - select a topic that will hold your attention for the amount of time you need to spend writing it.
Something may well be interesting, but is it broad enough to keep fill 1000, 2000, 3000 words? There is nothing more obvious in an essay than the writer trying to stretch a topic out further than it will naturally go. In the end, your writing will really suffer and will sound stilted and unnatural. So even before you start writing, make sure that you have enough information and interesting points within your chosen topic to stretch over the necessary number of words.
Equally, however, do not try to fit absolutely everything into 1000 words - there simply isn’t enough room! Be strict and limit yourself to a logical amount to fit the word count. It is always a shame to read an essay that has so much crammed in that it is no longer actually interesting.
There are a lot of interesting topics out there that have already been written about. This doesn’t mean you can’t write about them, but it does mean you might need to be a little more creative going about your essay. Try to see your idea in a new light. Perhaps frame it in a new movement - feminism or postmodernism, for example - so that you will write about it in a fresh, new and intriguing way. Also, try to think of arguments that have not yet been employed. The arguments are the most important part of the argumentative essay, after all!
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