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How To Write A Synthesis Essay On Brave New World

A synthesis essay will generally require you to explore a topic in detail, in order to write about it in one of three particular ways. Firstly, you may consider using an argumentative style, in order to discuss a particular point of view or opinion about the topic. Alternatively, you may use a review style, in which case you will be trying to look for any praise or criticisms of a piece of literature. Finally, you may also use an exploratory style, which will outline in further detail about a variety of different facts.

In many ways, each of these different styles can be used to write academic papers in their own right; however, the difference when it comes to a synthesis paper is that you will often be using this style in order to make logical and useful connections, and will often use a piece of literature as the basis of your paper.

Deciding what to write about

In order to pick a relevant topic, you first need to decide which of the three styles you will use. In fact, the different styles can have a dramatic influence on the topic or title of your work. For example, an argumentative style will obviously require a very different title to a review style synthesis paper.

When writing about Brave New World, all three styles are potentially appropriate. For example, a review style will generally require you to look at other pieces that have been written about the work, in order to identify what has been said about the literature in the past. Essentially, you want to look to see whether or not a topic relating to Brave New World has been covered in sufficient detail, and whether or not you can add any insightful comments.

Alternatively, an argumentative style will generally require you to come up with a point of view, relating to Brave New World, which you will then argue for or against. For example, you may wish to argue whether or not you think the work was plagiarized in any way.

Finally, you may wish to use an exploratory style in order to try and explore the different themes used in the book, or any number of different topics related to Brave New World.

It is worth noting that, as well as writing specifically about the book, you can also use various comparisons relating to other literature. In fact, you may wish to compare Brave New World to George Orwell’s 1984, due to the fact that the two works are relatively similar.

A Few Pointers To Keep In Mind

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