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10 Suggestions For Writing A Kite Runner Argumentative Essay

What is an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay is the type of essay where students need to develop a stance and prove it with relevant and authenticated facts, strong logical arguments and concrete examples. They should be able to convince the audience of their ideas through the data they present in the paper.

It is critical to choose the right topic for such a paper. The topic of your paper needs to be arguable so that people can agree or disagree to it. This will allow space for the rest of your essay. Remember that only a unique and interesting topic will help you win over the rest of the competition and impress your teachers.

Ten interesting topics to choose for writing an essay on Kite Runner

If you are to write an argumentative essay on the novel “Kite Runner” by “Khaled Hosseini” then you need to come up with a strong topic. You may need to go through the process of brainstorming and elimination in order to pick the right topic for your paper. Below are few interesting ideas to help you find your inspiration and create a winning topic on Kite Runner.

  1. The social class difference in Afghanistan and its role in shaping the lives of Amir and Hassan
  2. What goes around comes around, how does this statement hold true for the novel, its setting and the characters in the novel
  3. Give examples from the plot and the events in the novel to define bravery and show which is the bravest person in the novel
  4. Why is Sohrab different from the rest of the people of his generation? What makes him the way he is in the novel? Is it social and political events or inheritance
  5. Does religion play an important role in the novel and the life of characters? Is religion a good or bad thing or it depends upon the person practicing it
  6. What is a homeland also referred to as “watan” by Khaled in the novel? Discuss the significance of homeland for Amir, Hassan, Sohrab, and Baba
  7. Show the number of events and times someone forgives in the novel, what is the attribute of true forgiveness and should we forgive others because Allah will forgive us
  8. Discuss how do the people in Afghan see the Americans and what it means to them to be in America
  9. Discuss the role of fathers in the novel and what it means to be a father in Afghan
  10. Violence, fundamentalists and religion

A Few Pointers To Keep In Mind

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