
Free tools and tips for your essay writing

Learning the Basics of Academic Essay Writing

Students have to learn how to write essays effectively. They can enjoy academic learning services provided by schools, e. g. visit writing centers and bring their essays for guidance at any stage of the writing process. However, the majority of them do not offer proofreading services, but rather suggest the best strategies for you to become a better writer. You can benefit from this kind of help if you do some background study and learn the basics of academic essay writing.

Ensure Enough Time

Usually, the process of essay writing involves choosing a topic, doing research, planning, writing, and revising. Each activity is important, so you should ensure that you have enough time to complete them all. It is recommended to divide the time into three similar parts; do not allow too much time for research or start writing too close to the deadline. It often takes about two weeks to complete a strong essay, so do not try to write everything in a couple of days.

Answer the Study Question Directly

Your topic should be narrow enough to be covered within an essay. Compose the main question that is to be answered, and focus on your subject. Make sure each argument supports your thesis statement directly.

Organize Your Ideas in a Logical Manner

No matter what kind of an essay you are working on, it should be organized in the following way:

Pay Attention to Paragraph Structure

Make sure that each paragraph describes a single point, or develops one idea in a clear and simple manner. Do not try to provide as much evidence as possible, but rather choose the most prominent ones instead. A sense of flow is important for every type of academic paper. Therefore, work on logical transitions that make it easier for readers to move from paragraph to paragraph.

Never Submit Your First Draft

Think twice before you submit your essay, do not hurry, and take your time to revise it carefully. It is better to print it out and read it several times aloud. This easy technique helps you to find misprints and spelling mistakes.

A Few Pointers To Keep In Mind

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