20 Potential Evaluative Essay Topics You Should Consider
An evaluative essay is one where you will make an educated assumption of how something will be in the future. You are making a future prediction of what will happen if an event continues to occur over time. You should use a five paragraph essay format for this type of essay. That means that you should come up with three supporting factors to support your thesis statement which is the answer to your essay topic question. You will want to do some research to get an idea of what the effects have been so far to get an idea of how they will be effected in the future. For example, if you found that pollution may have effected a certain percent of our food supply over the last ten years, you can infer that the same would happen over the next decade unless there have been other factors that would decrease or increase it. For example, if a certain percent of crops are grown organically now then you can expect that this number would be decreased by a certain percentage.
Here are some topics to consider:
- Global warming is having a huge effect on the climate of our county. How do you think it will effect it ten years from now?
- How will pollution effect our food supply if it continues to contaminate the air, land, and water?
- What measures should be taken to prevent further pollution?
- Are gas pipelines safe even though they have a less than perfect track record?
- What are the long-term effects of fracking?
- Can the salt that is put on the roads cause any long term events?
- Where are the dirtiest bodies of water?
- What has to be done to clean a body of water?
- What are the effects of continued population growth?
- What are the long-term effects of high-consumption lifestyles? It is estimated that only four percent of the population in the world consumes one quarter of the resources in the world.
- What if the global water supply continues to dry up as the population continues to grow?
- How can water be scarce when the world is seventy percent water?
- How can we prevent childhood mortality and what are the main causes?
- Is there a way to bring fresh water to the one third of the population in the World that doesn’t have fresh water?
- What are the end results in the next fifty years from the greenhouse effect?
- Should the Kyoto Protocol by ratified by the United States?
- What are the effects of deforestation?
- What are the effects of disappearing honeybees?
- How can more Americans breathe cleaner air?
- What are the effects of having a high speed train in the United States?